June 30, 2009

ATS debut new Tire line at Lostallo

ATS debut new Tire line at Lostallo

Making their debut last weekend at the Worlds warm up race in Lostallo, was this new 1/8th scale on road tire line from ATS. The as yet unnamed new product features a disk wheel with 3 slots, are very lightweight and of course come pre glued with high quality ATS foam. They took the top qualifying spot on the car of Robert Pietsch and was also being used by World Champions Lamberto Collari and Daniele Ielasi who both had bad luck in the semi finals. Expect a release this summer, as soon as they come up with a name.

ATS debut new Tire line at Lostallo

ATS debut new Tire line at Lostallo

Source: ATS Tyres [atsmodel.com]


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