February 26, 2018

Reckward-Tuning silicone shock & diff fluids

RMV have introduced the new Reckward-Tuning high-performance silicone shock and differential fluids. Developed and tested by Matthias Reckward and Martin Overkamp, the fluids are of very high quality to ensure consistency and performance even in the most demanding racing conditions. The oils are available as 250 cps to 700 cps shock and 1,000 t0 30,000 cps differential variants in large 100ml bottles, making them interesting not only for 1/10th and 1/8th scale drivers but also large scale pilots whose car’s huge shocks and diffs require large amounts of fluid. Beside the already available range Reckward-Tuning will provide additional viscosities in the near future.

Source: RMV Deutschland [rmv-deutschland.de]


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