March 4, 2009

EDAM Exhausts receive EFRA homologation

EDAM Exhausts receive EFRA Homologation

Taiwanese firm EDAM, who are better known for their gas on road cars such as the soon to be released 980 1/10th scale 200mm, have been in touch to tell us that two of their mufflers have received their EFRA homologation numbers. The EFRA list of approved exhausts has just been released and the EDAM .21 exhaust system receives the 2067 EFRA number, while their .12 exhaust gets the number 2650.

Click here to see the .12 exhaust system

February 7, 2009

Toy Fair 2009 – EDAM

EDAM 980 1/10th scale 200mm

Taiwanese firm EDAM are also present here showing off their new 980 1/10th scale 200mm chassis. A solid looking effort it doesnt bring anything new to the market in terms of features, but has the same features you would expect from most competition cars in this class.

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January 19, 2009

EDAM Racing 980 1/10th scale 200mm

New from Taiwanese company EDAM Racing, is their 1/10th 200mm chassis, called the 980. We brought you CAD images of the car last October, but it has changed substantially since then. The car appears to be a conventional design with some useful adjustability to the front and rear roll centres, upper front and lower rear pivot pin inserts as well as eccentric rear hub axle inserts. The car also has ball raced adjustable rear anti-roll bar, lockable front one way axle and a more durable 2 speed gearbox.

Click here for more photos… content

October 13, 2008

Edam enter 1:10 Nitro market

Taiwanese company Edam, who last year entered the 1:8 Onroad market with its Razor, are about to enter the 1:10 market with a new nitro car which will be officially unveiled at the iHobby Expo in the US later this week.  For now Edam have just released a CAD image of the new car but pictures of the final production model should be available in the next 24 hours.  More news to follow.

Source: Edam []

June 20, 2008

Edam Razor 1/8 scale Pro Kit

Edam Razor 1/8 scale Pro Kit

The Razor 1/8th scale from Edam has been around for a while now, but they have released a Pro Kit version which has received a number of updates recently to make it a more worthy consideration for competition use. Updates to the kit include and all new 5mm thick chassis plate, with both space for a 5 cell 2/3A racing pack as well as the ability to use carbon stiffeners in the plate itself. Other changes include an updated clutch system as well as lightweight 2 speed, and the car is supplied with CVD’s up front and extremely lightweight rear axles as standard.

Click here for the feature list and more photos… content

July 23, 2007

Edam Razor 1/8 scale on-road car

Edam Razor 1/8 scale on-road car

There is a new gas powered 1/8th scale on the market, from the Taiwanese company Edam. Its called the Razor and it has been created from the ashes of the Yusa XR8 project which seemingly stopped some time ago. Apparently featuring all new moulds for precise fitting of parts, as well as making the parts more durable, this prototype car looks like a mashup between a Kyosho Evolva and the Serpent Vector, with a few other parts thrown in for good measure. The company is currently exploring distribution channels so we dont know when it will be available.

View more photos of the Razor here… content